Monday, April 11, 2011


Friday night started out awesome! I went to Ally’s house and then we went to Karl Kunst, another dorm in the area, and hung out with the girls in their kitchen and had a grand time.

Later we decided to go out to Stadt Café. It is a pretty popular “disco”, as they are called in europe, in Innsbruck. I had tons of fun and met up with some of the other study-abroaders that I know.

It was around 2:30 am and Ally and I decided to go home. I make my way out of the disco, all clear, through the door, all clear, to the stairs, all clear, down the stairs, we have a problem.

My foot did not exactly hit the step flat and I heard a pop. I am probably one of the most clumsy people you will ever meet in your life, I am okay with this. I usually just walk it off and I am fine in two minutes, I roll my ankle at least once a week.

This was different. I immediately sat on the steps. Ally came running to see what was wrong and then the bouncer came over to yell at us in German for sitting on the steps. Ally began screaming at the man “SHE HURT HER FOOT! BACK OFF! WE ARE SITTING HERE, GIVE HER A MINUTE!!!!”

I think he was a little caught off guard and asked if I needed an ambulance. I said no no, just get me in a taxi.

I made it to the taxi, got to Ally’s and she helped me into the house and up the stairs. I decided to ice it and sleep it off, hopefully it would be better by morning.

No such luck. My ankle was MASSIVE.

I hopped to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, called my insurance company, and called for another cab to take me to the Klinik. Ally came along for the ride and as we get closer to the hospital the driver asks me what happened.

I thought this was a little weird, like wtf, are you a doctor? But I just lifted my leg in the back seat to show him my ankle.

One thing I have learned since being in a country that you do not speak the language is visuals are the best. I am going to be a pro at charades when I get back to the states.

So we go to the Klinik and I filled out the paper work and the embarassing questions like “PLACE: Stadt Café TIME: 2:30”.

I noticed that everyone in the waiting room was hopping around with foot injuries. I thought it was weird. I mean shouldn’t someone have a hurt hand or a stomach ache or head ache or something? No everyone was hopping.

Turns out the taxi driver asked what was wrong because the Klinik is divided into sections, my foot was hurt to I go to one area. Which explains all the hopping and hobling that was taking place.

I waited about five minutes and was calle dinto a room, they just asked what happened and looked at it.

Then back to waiting.

Then I heard my name “german german Megan Saunders, funf german german.”

I do know numbers and funf means five so I started looking for rooms. At this point my friend Flurina from Switzerland had shown up and helped me walk over to funf. The woman said something in german and Flurina just looked at me and then realized she needed to play translator haha

The woman just asked my name and then took xrays of my foot.

Back to waiting.

I then told the girls to leave because we were supposed to go to the lake that day and I didn’t want to ruin the day for everyone and we were not sure how long it was going to take.

About 20 minutes after they left I was called into another room. This time there was a doctor and he looked at my foot. He grabbed my shin and then put his other hand on the bottom of my foot and said “I’m sorry, I am going to have to be nasty.” He them proceeded to move my entire foot forward.

It actually did not hurt at all but it was a little shocking to see that your foot was no longer being held in place by anything.

The doctor told me the xray showed nothing was broken and then he said I had ruptured ligaments and I would have to wear a brace for 6 weeks. Had it been any worse, if I had torn the ligaments then I would have to get surgery, but he said I should not need it.

Then He was speaking into a recorded in german and stopped mid sentence, turns to me, and says "Stadt Cafe? 2:30?" grins and continues to speak in german. Rub it in dude, rub it in.

I put on my sweet new ankle brace and waited for paperwork.

I got the paper work, which was in german, and waited for another taxi to take me home.

So in two weeks I should be able to ride a bike but not sports for six weeks. Not that I do any sports but walking to MCI 3 will now be a challenge.

These pictures are from four days after my incident, the swelling has gone down but it still does not look quite right.

Hopefully everything heals up soon!!

Oh yeah, and! A few days later I had someone translate the paperwork for me and apparently after looking at my xray they noted that I had a previous break in my foot but it was from a while ago and was not related to this incident.

I have never broken a bone in my life.

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